Youth Ministry • The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Teens leading teens
For 40 years, YouthLead (formerly Lutheran Youth Fellowship) has equipped teens to develop and use their leadership skills as they serve Christ within their congregations and communities. We offer resources and training to equip teens to lead and mentor each other.
Our annual leadership training event is facilitated by the teen YL Leadership Team. The event makes use of leadership resources developed to give teens the tools they need to mature in their faith, become leaders in their congregations, and reach out to their peers with the love of Christ.
YouthLead is now looking to the future with the development of additional resources aligned with the 7 Practices for Healthy Youth Ministry. This will include resources for adults who mentor and champion young leaders, potential regional conferences and connections to other programs like LCMS Servant Events and the LCMS Youth Gathering.
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YouthLead Training — 2026
LCMS Youth Ministry will host a YouthLead Training event Thursday, March 19, to Sunday, March 22, 2026, in St. Louis.
More information to follow as it become finalized.