Tin Roofs for Africa


And those who are far off shall come and help to build the temple of the LORD. (Zech. 6:15)


Have you ever been in a building that didn’t have a roof? If it was sunny outside, you might get a sunburn. If it was raining, you would get wet.

Many children in Africa have this experience every week when they go to church. Church members work together to build the walls of their church building, but they sometimes can’t afford to buy expensive tin for the roof.

The good news is that these families come to their roofless churches anyway, because they are so eager to worship their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Sometimes there are so many people at church that they have to sit in the aisles and stand at the windows!


Build a Roof for the Gospel

You — along with others from all over the country — can help provide roofs for Lutheran churches through the Tin Roofs for Africa project. When you do, you’ll show the love and mercy of Christ to people in countries like Kenya, Togo and Madagascar.


$2,000 can provide all the materials for one roof


$100 can provide the wooden structure for one roof


$30 can provide all the nails needed for one roof


$25 can provide a toolbox of hammers, saws and other tools needed to put on a roof


$15 can provide one piece of tin roofing


How You Can Help

Gifts and offerings to this project help provide a better place for children and adults to worship God and learn about the amazing love of Jesus. And when others in the villages see that people from North America care enough about them to help build their churches, they will want to learn about Jesus too! What an amazing opportunity to share the Gospel!



Send offerings to: 
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861 
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861





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