Legal Resources
Church & School Administration • The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Churches and schools face the daunting task of navigating complex legal issues. From child safety concerns to property matters, employment law, church governance and more, they are responsible for understanding and acting in accordance with applicable legal requirements.
As our churches and schools come under increased scrutiny, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is dedicated to helping pastors, church workers, church administrators, lay leaders and others learn how to better protect their church or school from potential legal challenges.
In collaboration with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a legal guide has been developed in this regard. Protecting Your Ministry is a legal guide for LCMS congregations, schools and ministries. Please read through this entire booklet carefully to understand the full scope of the issues and how you can protect various ministries.
Legal Representation
The LCMS Board of Directors is charged with serving as the legal representative of the Synod. The Board accomplishes this work through the Synod’s Chief Administrative Officer with appropriate guidance by the Synod’s duly appointed outside legal counsel.
While these parties are unable to offer legal advice to LCMS members, congregations, schools, pastors or church workers, this site aims to provide general legal resources to individuals and organizations within the LCMS.
You are encouraged to engage a qualified attorney who is licensed to practice law in the particular state or jurisdiction where you are located to assist with legal matters. Please read our legal disclaimer.
For more information, please contact: