How to Host an LCMS Servant Event?

Youth Ministry   •   The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

We are so grateful for our servant event hosts and the opportunities they provide for young people to grow in faith, develop Christian community, and serve in Jesus’ name.

In order to host an LCMS Servant Event, you need to be an LCMS district, congregation, school, camp, organization, or Recognized Service Organization. Our expectation is that Servant Events can have various formats, settings, and arrangements. Some can be completed in one day or over a weekend. Others may last a week or longer.

Some Servant Events are perfect for a small group of servants, while others have capacity for a large group. Regardless of the setting and scope, the service and work impacts both the participants and those served for a lifetime.

  • LCMS Servant Events should always include the following:
      • Bible study, devotions, and worship that focus on Christian servanthood and relate to the participants’ daily experience.
      • Meaningful work needed by the community and provided by the servants. Servant Events also provide experience with models of service that participants can develop back home in their congregations and communities.
      • Time for participants to discuss and reflect on the day’s happenings.
      • Participants need the chance to relate their experiences of service to daily faith and life.
      • Cross-cultural experiences so participants can live and work with people with whom they may not ordinarily work and live. Events with people of different ages, life situations, or ethnic background provide a cross-cultural experience.
      • Opportunities for young people and adults to experience and participate in Christian community and to experience the joy of God’s people working, learning, and celebrating together.
      • The experience of working with others, learning about a new culture, and adapting to new surroundings forces us to examine ourselves spiritually, articulate our faith, and strengthen our trust in the Lord.
  • Dedicated hosts of LCMS Servant Events including people:
      • With the necessary skills to assist participants in carrying out their work;
      • With competency and sensitivity for leading participants in worship, Bible study, and in their understanding of Christian service;
      • With a commitment and ability to work with a variety of people.
      • Adequate funding of the Event through donations, local resources, and grants so registration fees are affordable for youth.
      • If needed, the ability to provide housing, meals, and materials for participants.
  • LCMS Servant Events provides:
      • In-person training in the fall at low or no cost
      • Access to LCMS Servant Event Host Portal for promotion and management of event
      • Promotion of event on LCMS Servant Event website and Youth Ministry Social Media
      • Promotion at LCMS Events such as District Youth Gatherings and LCMS Worker Conferences.
      • Support from LCMS Servant Event Committee and LCMS Youth Ministry Staff
      • Host specific resources from LCMS Youth Ministry (Bible Studies, Community Builders, Event Management Tips)
      • Secondary insurance for event participants


To learn more about hosting Servant Events, find resources on

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