Soldiers of the Cross Amplified
A collaborative COVID-19 response initiative
“If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one
member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Cor. 12:26).
Workers Aided
Total Amount Approved
Average Grant Amount
Updated Feb. 11, 2022
In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), Lutheran Church Extension Fund, the 35 districts of the LCMS, and other entities provided an opportunity for concerned, caring people to help those serving full- or part-time in LCMS congregations, schools, universities, Recognized Service Organizations and other organizations who have been confronted with ministry-disrupting personal crises.
Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) provided each LCMS district with rapid response funds totaling $1 million and sought to raise an additional $1 million from LCEF investors and others.
The LCMS, through the efforts of LCMS Mission Advancement, sought to raise $1.5 million to supplement an allocated $1.5 million of donations previously given to fund this kind of mercy/humanitarian assistance work.
To date, God’s people have responded to that call by providing $200,000 in additional funds for this effort, and another $300,000 to provide the “after care” services that will be needed by some LCMS clergy when the pandemic is over.
Funding for Soldiers of the Cross grants (and Soldiers Amplified grants) depended entirely on generous designated gifts. (Regular Sunday morning worship offerings are not used to fund these grants.)
Dollars for the Soldiers Amplified grants came from donations directed to LCMS World Relief and Human Care. Some LCMS districts also appeared for donations with the aim of underwriting at least 20 percent of each Soldiers Amplified grant given to workers in crisis.
The LCMS thanks all those who offered prayers and financial support for those in need.
Contribute to Soldiers of the Cross grants
You can help fund 80 percent of each Soldiers-Amplified grant through a donation to any of the following:
Donate Online
To make a contribution using your credit or debit card any time:
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Donate by Text
To make a donation by text message:
to 41444