Life Library — Sexuality

Life Ministry   •   The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

  • A Step Too Far, for Now — When the American Psychological Association’s journal of record published an article saying that sex between children and adults might be OK, not too many people noticed. But such is the furor that has since arisen at the prospect of America’s psychologists possibly normalizing pedophilia — as they already have homosexuality — that the organization is backtracking. Sort of.

  • Clarity and Care for Children with Gender Confusion — Dr. Brad Alles provides clear information on gender dysphoria and confusion, as well as guidance for parents caring for children who struggle with it.

  • God and the Gay Lifestyle — Homosexual behavior, like any sin, can be forgiven. That’s quite a different thing, of course, than to say that such behavior is OK.

  • Homosexuality in Christian Perspective — We dare not permit the church’s public teaching on the matter of homosexuality to be taken over and determined by a desire to “affirm” every person in whatever state he or she may be. That is not the gospel.

  • Tossing the Last Taboo — Christians dare not opt out of the culture wars, especially while influential culture makers are trying to normalize sex with children. If Christians let the world go its merry way into the black hole of depravity, we will be putting their children in genuine danger.

  • Wages for Sin — Marriage benefits are starting to go to those who are “shacking up.” As marriage becomes unnecessary — not just for job benefits but for adopting children, inheriting property, and being socially acceptable — the whole nation will be “living in sin.”

  • What About ... Living Together Without Marriage? — This resource is reprint of a tract from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s “What About …” series. Pastors and congregations will want to work patiently and lovingly with couples caught up in the sin of living together without marriage.

  • Standing Firm, Lovingly — Having a statement of belief is critical for any Lutheran school. It will guide your ministry and give you a firm leg upon which to stand. Stand firm, be courageous, “for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

  • Bible Study: Truth and Compassion for LGBTQ+ Individuals — This Bible study provides guidance and biblical testimony about how Christians should respond to gender and sexual identity issues in light of God's Word.

  • Truth and Compassion for LGBTQ+ Individuals
    In this article, Deaconess Emma Heinz discusses the Christian attitude toward members of the LGBTQ+ community: both the pitfalls Christians can fall into, and the balance of truth and compassion we are called to by God's Word.

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