Life Library — Abortion

Life Ministry   •   The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

  • 3 Ways to Talk About Life — It’s easy to talk about your pro-life beliefs with your Christian friends. You’re all coming from the same source — the Bible. But what happens when you chat with friends or teachers who aren’t Christian and don’t see the Bible as anything at all? How can you stand up for life in a pro-choice world?

  • Abortion and the Meaning of Parenthood — If the essence of our humanity consists in our freedom, in taking control, we must think of parenthood correspondingly. But that may mean the loss of the wisdom that to accept full responsibility for what our children are and become is to cut the nourishing root of unconditional parental love.

  • A Letter to My Birthmother — “I am writing this letter to thank and encourage all the birthmothers who may read it. … You made the right choice, and I thank God every day for that.”

  • Are the Unborn Human? — How do we contend for life in a pro-choice world? Scott Klusendorf, in his book “The Case for Life,” gives us a great three-step process.

  • Children of Light — The darkness of Roe v. Wade gives children of light opportunities to share with those who feel trapped in the darkness Jesus’ powerful words of hope: “I have come into the world as a light so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness” (John 12:46).

  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made — Abortion is much more than a political issue for me — it is deeply personal. My obstetrician urged me to “terminate the pregnancy.” I told him I would not kill my daughters; I wanted to give them the best chance at life that I could.

  • Great Sinners — If the Germans can confess collective guilt, why can’t we? Let us repent of our complicity in abortion.

  • Hope for Rachel — Thousands of women suffer from the effects of abortion. what does the Church have to offer them? Satan would love us to believe that the Herod-like destruction of unborn children and the abuse of women through this destruction are political issues and do not belong in the Church. But that is precisely where they do belong! We have the Gospel, the only message that can shatter the darkness and bring hope.

  • Katie’s Story — Each reason for choosing abortion is unique. Yet one thread runs through many women’s stories — insecurity. That thread is often tangled with the threads of alcohol or drug abuse. Katie’s story is shot through with all those threads. Years later, she had to confront what she had done.

  • Lawmakers Lawbreakers — Even though churches have lost significant influence over society, they do at least retain authority over their own members. Some churches are considering the exercise of discipline over pro-abortion politicians.

  • Our Littlest Neighbor — A great darkness has fallen upon us. In the 1973 landmark decision known as Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court struck down all laws regulating or restricting abortion, thus effectively making abortion-on-demand the law of the land. For more than 40 years, our nation has wandered in this wilderness, and we have grown comfortable with the culture of death.

  • Shaped by God — The burgeoning science of assisted reproductive technology, including the freezing and thawing of human embryos, as well as embryonic stem cell research, continues to trivialize the tiniest and weakest amongst us. What should we as Christians consider when we discuss the relationship of parenting to assisted reproductive technology, especially as it results in the freezing and thawing of embryonic human beings and their ultimate death?

  • What Women Don’t Know Does Hurt Them — The church ought not do anything — whether through silence, a lack of support, or not sharing God’s Word — that would cause a girl or woman to miss out on something that God desires to accomplish in her life and the life of the child He has entrusted to her.

  • Will Power — Logical conclusions: According to Wesley Clark’s existentialist metaphysics, most of us are not alive.

  • You Matter — Eugenics is practiced when it is recommended that children with abnormalities and birth defects are aborted. But with God every child is a wanted child, and the church welcomes and holds dear every person.

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