Parish Nurse Education
Encouraging Christ-centered wellness for church workers and laity
What is Parish Nursing?
The parish nurse is a registered nurse who is committed to — and, on a broad level, is an integral part of — the concept of LCMS Health Ministry. He/she works with the members of the health ministry committee or health cabinet, helping and enabling people of the congregation and the community attain, maintain and/or regain optimal health.
Parish nursing is a unique blending of professional nursing and spiritual caregiving. We recommend the parish nurse attend a special preparation program for parish nursing.
Opportunities for basic preparation and continuing education are available within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. You might consider the following sources of Lutheran parish nurse preparation:
Lutheran Parish Nurse Education
Parish Nursing Certificate — In-person intensive
Faith Community Nursing Certificate — Fully online
Alternative and Distance Educational Opportunities
Scope and Standards of Practice for Faith Community Nurses 3rd ed. (2017) identifies specialized education as a prime requisite for anyone who practices as a parish nurse. This education can vary in depth, but there are minimal standards.
Health Ministry recommends parish nurses within the Synod complete a parish nurse course that includes theology taught by an LCMS clergy as minimal preparation.
Contact the LCMS Health Ministry for information on opportunities for parish nurse education and/or for international inquiries about Lutheran Parish Nurse Training.
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Special topic videos
Special topic videos will continue to be added to the listing of educational offerings through LCMS Health Ministry. These videos will come with a study guide and can be used either individually or in small group settings.
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