Teaching the faith in the home, church and community
We read in Acts 4:20, “For we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.”
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod focuses on teaching the faith as we nurture and strengthen faithful families and reach the lost by proclaiming God’s Word through teaching in the home, at church and in the community.
The Synod’s various ministries help families in this regard. The LCMS Worship in particular aims to nurture an understanding and love for the Lutheran heritage in Christian worship.
Helpful resources available for free include:
- Let Us Pray weekly prayers
- Lectionary Summaries for Sunday readings
- Bible studies
- Children and youth resources
- Liturgy audio files
- Organ instructional videos
- Radio interviews on worship topics, including a series on the historic liturgy and numerous hymn studies
- Unwrapping the Gifts, which is an electronic publication devoted to worship topics
Father of our Lord Jesus, You have revealed Your will that none perish but that all come to repentance. We beg Your blessing, therefore, upon every ministry of our national and international mission that seeks to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the ears and hearts of those who do not yet know You. Open doors for Your Gospel and shine its light over the length and breadth of this world. We ask it in His name, the atonement for the sin of all, even Jesus, our Lord. Amen.