Church Worker Wellness

Church Worker Wellness

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

One of the top priorities of the LCMS is to promote and nurture the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of pastors and professional church workers. Following resolutions from the 2016 Synod convention, the LCMS engaged in comprehensive research over a two-year period, listening to thousands of church workers and their spouses through surveys and focus group discussions. Church workers and their spouses identified nine common themes throughout this process, and resources have been identified to assist with each one. Whether you are a church worker or spouse — or someone who loves those who are called to serve — the LCMS prays that these resources prepared in response to those themes are helpful.

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Identity in Christ

Church workers and their spouses desire encouragement, spiritual care and pastoral reminders that their identity is in Christ alone.

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Supportive and encouraging culture

Create a culture within the Synod of mutual support and encouragement to care for one another so that workers are comfortable seeking care.

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Healthy churches, schools and ministries

The health of the church worker and the church, school or ministry he or she works for are directly related; the health of the ministry impacts the care of the workers.

  • Wellness Action Plan  — This resource was developed to help individuals assess their well-being according to the LCMS Wellness Wheel. Workers are encouraged to use this resource under the guidance of a facilitator such as a designated district or circuit leader. 
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Effective church worker care invests in people. At times, some church workers need assistance.

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Receive relational care from fellow church workers and trusted professionals in networks supporting one another.

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Provide personal and attentive care, including counseling, emotional and spiritual care for church workers and their spouses.

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Recognition and connection

Create quality social interactions to help workers feel needed and connected to others throughout the Synod.

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Awareness, resources, advocacy

Organize help for congregations and ministry organizations to raise awareness, receive training and speak up to help the workers locate effective and trusted resources in their areas.

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Care provided locally

Prioritize the wellbeing of church workers locally along with access to care providers.

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Recognized Service Organizations

Many LCMS Recognized Service Organizations support church worker wellness. Search an online database or PDF directory.

RSO Directory

* Disclaimer:

This website is not intended to be a substitute for regular physical or mental health care. Please connect with a local health provider and services for regular care.

Resources were chosen for their insight and to benefit your research. However, the views expressed are not necessarily those of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Please read items with discretion. Discuss any questions with an LCMS pastor.

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Ready to expland your congrgation's pro-life ministry? Apply now for the Million Dollar Life Match.

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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Inc., including Mission Central (in Mapleton, Iowa), is an IRS registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.

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