“We love because he first loved us.” (1 John 4:19) — Helping the hurting amid disaster
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Disaster Response ministry responds to immediate and long-term needs following natural and man-made disasters.
Working through LCMS districts and congregations as well as with international Lutheran churches and other partners, LCMS Disaster Response builds capacity of the church’s partners to respond to needs with Christian care.
The ministry reaches out to LCMS congregations and their communities with services that include on-site assessment, emergency relief and development grants, pastoral care for LCMS church workers and members, and other resources.
Support relief and mercy efforts to assist people affected by the recent tornadoes and storms that swept across the United States during the weekend of March 14-16.
Some media outlets reported that there were at least 56 confirmed tornadoes in 10 states in the Midwest and South. Forty-two people were killed, including 12 in Missouri and eight in Kansas. Several people were injured, and there was widespread damage.
Assessments are underway. Information about specific response efforts will be forthcoming.
Support relief and mercy efforts for those affected by fires in the LCMS Pacific Southwest District.
Congregations may include inserts in worship service bulletins to inform members and guests about ways they can donate toward LCMS Disaster Response efforts.
Support relief and mercy efforts for those affected by Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton in the southeastern United States.
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LCMS congregations may host Disaster Response training for individuals in their area to join a Lutheran Early Response Team. LERT is a network of volunteers trained to respond in times of disaster.
Lutheran Early Response Teams (LERT) has a website to connect LCMS Disaster Response volunteers at the local and national level.
Visit the LCMS Disaster Response Facebook page for the latest news and event information.
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Rev. Michael MeyerDirector of Disaster TrainingManaging Director of Congregations and Districts
Rev. Dr. Ross JohnsonDirector of Disaster Response
Email ministry
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Published writings
Disaster Response overview
Ask a question 1-888-843-5267
Help people affected by disasters
To make a credit card gift by phone, call the LCMS toll-free donor care line between 8 a.m. and 4:10 p.m. Central time.
On the memo line or enclosed note, please indicate how you would like your gift to be used. (Disaster Response – where needed most, wildfire relief, hurricane relief, etc.)
Make check payable and mail to:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri SynodP.O. Box 66861St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
How do donations get to those who need help?
View financial reports, breakdown of gifts for relief work >>