The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod offers the following prayer for your congregation to include during worship services:
Heavenly Father, You are our great provider and protector. Be with families throughout our world who are facing difficulties and separation. Comfort and bless children separated from their parents. Guide all parents in their calling to care for their children in obedience to You. Give the governing authorities the wisdom to make and enforce just laws that foster security and the common good, and to look with compassion and mercy on those who seek protection and provision. Strengthen those who work with immigrants and refugees with the endurance needed to fulfill their calling with compassion and wisdom. Grant insight, understanding and patience to the citizens of our nation as we wrestle with the many difficult and divisive issues that confront us daily. Draw all to the cross of Jesus, that the love of Your Son might reign over all things; through Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
If you are interested in learning how the LCMS has addressed and considered immigration issues, read the 2012 Commission on Theology and Church Relations report.