Social Issues


The following resources address the many aspects of Christian persecution in the modern world and ways to impact our brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing death or persecution.


Christ’s Care for the Persecuted & Displaced

Free resources are available to learn about and share information on extending Christ’s mercy to persecuted Christians and other refugees. These resources include two Bible studies, an informational bulletin insert and news coverage from Reporter.

Bible studies | Bulletin insert | FAQ | Reporter article

Download all resources (ZIP file)







Bulletin Insert:

The Litany:

  • Lutheran Service Book Page 288

Suggested Propers for the Divine Service:

Bible Study:

Hymn Suggestions:

  • Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word — LSB 655
  • A Mighty Fortress Is Our GodLSB 656
  • Lord of Our Life LSB 659
  • The Son of God Goes Forth to War LSB 661
  • O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe LSB 666
  • Saints, See the Cloud of Witnesses LSB 667
  • Rise! To Arms! With Prayer Employ You LSB 668 


  • “Shaped by the Cross”The Lutheran Witness | June/July 2014
    This special issue discusses the “mark of the Church,” the suffering that Christian brothers and sisters endure for the sake of Christ and His gifts of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
  • “Suffering, Persecution and Martyrdom as a Mark of the Church”Journal of Lutheran Mission | September 2014
    This special issue features papers from confessional Lutheran church leaders who presented at the International Lutheran Council’s fifth world seminary conference.
  • “Making a Faithful Confession”by the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison
    President Harrison offers encouragement for Lutherans — and an opportunity for them to help — in light of these troubling events.
  • LHM-LCMS partnership provides care for persecuted ChristiansReporter | May 2015
  • “Sticks and Stones” –  by Elizabeth Ahlman
    Deaconess Elizabeth Ahlman’s “Sticks and Stones” assists parents, pastors, Sunday school teachers and all who care for Christ's little ones in helping youth understand what persecution is and how they can give a bold confession in the midst of it.
  • “Shaped by the Cross”by the Rev. Alexey Streltsov
    In “Shaped by the Cross,” the Rev. Alexey Streltsov helps to prepare Christians for persecution, encouraging them to be armed with God’s Word, receive the Sacraments and remain faithful despite suffering.
  • Former Muslims baptized at LCMS partner-church congregation – by Elizabeth Ahlman
    Four former Muslims are baptized at a Lutheran congregation in Leipzig, Germany.


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