Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump and family -- Serving the Lord in Africa

Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump

Serving in Africa


The Rev. Shauen and Krista Trump serve The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Africa, based in Nairobi, Kenya, which has been their home for more than a decade. As the LCMS’ regional director for Africa, Shauen regularly engages church leaders in more than 25 countries to equip, enable and encourage them in the work the Lord has put before them to spread the Gospel, plant Lutheran churches and train church workers, and show mercy.

In support of this, Shauen supervises the LCMS missionaries across the continent; coordinates with other entities, mission societies and church bodies; and communicates with the boards, institutions, districts, congregations and members of the LCMS. He also oversees the implementation of convention and board directives and the development and execution of strategies, programs, projects and grants for Africa.

Meanwhile, Krista works part-time as the region’s project secretary, coordinator of special events and hostess — in addition to being an enduring and gracious wife and mother.

Shauen was born in northern California and grew up in the Seattle area. He earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Seattle Pacific University; received his Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; and is working on his Ph.D. in intercultural studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Ill. Shauen enjoys spending time with his wife, playing games with his children, developing his repertoire of “dad jokes,” and buying books that he never has time to read.

Krista spent her early childhood in Liberia, where her family served with Lutheran Bible Translators. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Christian outreach from Concordia University, St. Paul, and a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Saint Louis University. Krista previously served through the LCMS in Slovakia (2003–2005). She enjoys collecting new recipes, baking goodies for eager children, and spending time on the coast of Kenya. Shauen and Krista have five wonderful children — Josiah, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Esther.


Pray for the Trumps as they serve in Africa. Pray that they are used to advance the proclamation of the Gospel in this part of the world. Ask that they be strengthened and given wisdom and discernment to navigate the relationships they have formed and the cultures in which they live and serve.

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Additional Information

  • Birthdays:
    • Shauen — April 10
    • Krista — Jan. 29
    • Josiah — Dec. 19
    • Elijah — Dec. 22
    • Isaiah — Nov. 15
    • Jeremiah — May 25
    • Esther — May 4
  • Wedding Anniversary: June 9
  • Home District: Northwest
  • Supporting Districts: Southeastern, Nebraska and South Wisconsin

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