May 5-8, 2015 — Wittenberg, Germany

A second international theological conference on confessional leadership in the 21st century will be held May 5-8, 2015, in Wittenberg, Germany in conjunction with the May 3, 2015, dedication of the Old Latin School, which is being renovated as a part of The Wittenberg Project.

The conference theme will be "Celebrating the Reformation Rightly: Remembrance, Repentance, Rejoicing." Speakers and participants from confessional Lutheran churches around the world will gather for the three-day conference, which is being sponsored by the President’s Office and the Commission on Theology and Church Relations of the LCMS.

Under the theme, we will remember the central Reformation truths regarding Scripture’s authority and the centrality of Christ’s work and the saving Gospel of grace through faith in Him. We will repent of our many failures both to preserve and to proclaim these truths. And we will rejoice at the work of the Holy Spirit through Lutheran churches where the Gospel is being shared with faithfulness and joy.

Those invited to the conference include church heads and leaders from Lutheran churches around the world. Please pray for this conference, that the Word of the Lord would grow as Lutheran Christians faithfully remember it, repent of our sins and failures, and rejoice in the Gospel’s power for salvation to all who believe.


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  • Dec. 10-12, 2015   
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