Rev. Jason and Emily Groth

Serving the Lord in Latin America


The Rev. Jason Groth and his wife, Emily, serve the Lord as career missionaries through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in Belize. In this role, they help plant Lutheran churches and coordinate the operations of Camp Concordia in Belmopan, Belize. In addition to these responsibilities, the Groths support short-term mission teams and facilitate acts of mercy.

Jason was born in Dowagiac, Mich., and calls Lawrence, Mich. home. He studied recreation and leisure management at Western Michigan University, and earned his Master of Divinity at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis in 2024. Prior to entering seminary, Jason served in various roles as sales specialist, director of operations and business manager. Jason also served as an elder and a member of the stewardship board prior to entering the pastoral ministry. Jason’s hobbies include reading, hiking, sailing, exploring, traveling and hammocking.

Emily was born in Paw Paw, Mich. She earned her bachelor’s in food service administration and entrepreneurship from Central Michigan University. She worked as a barista, manager and shift supervisor for Starbucks for nearly 20 years. She took a leave from Starbucks in 2008–2009 to do short-term mission work in Quito, Ecuador, working in Carmen Bajo to create and translate a cookbook that the community could sell to short term mission teams to raise money for their local school.


Please pray for the Groth family as they serve in Belize. Pray for them as they learn a new language and adapt to a new culture. Ask God to watch over them as they travel and keep them in good health during their transition to the mission field and throughout their time serving. Pray for the community they are entering, as mission work in Belize is still a fairly new undertaking. Pray for the Groths’ family back home, that they have peace knowing the Groths are doing what they do in service to the Lord.

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Additional Information

  • Birthdays:
    • Jason – Dec. 21
    • Emily – Aug.16
    • Gideon – Jan. 31
    • Esther – Aug. 23
    • Martha – April 13
    • Joanna – May 8
  • Wedding Anniversary: May 29
  • Home District: Missouri

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Giving Online: You can partner with the LCMS by making an online gift restricted in use to the support of the GROTH family.

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Giving by Check: You can also make a donation towards this family’s ministry by check.
Mail your check, made payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and designated with their last name
, to:

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861

(Or call 888-930-4438 to speak with someone.)

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