In July, we recognize how Christ sets us free to love and to serve our neighbor.

+  When you contemplate Christ’s free gift of salvation and all the other gifts God bestows on us, it’s easy to feel overwhelming joy, gratitude and a desire to “pay it forward” to others.

+  This July, we celebrate all that God has blessed us with, and we rejoice in the opportunities He gives us to express our gratitude in service to our neighbor.

+  As Lutherans, we collectively and compassionately care for others. It’s in our nature to serve wherever we see the need, so that’s our theme for July — service.

+  Throughout the ministries of the LCMS, your district and local congregation, opportunities abound for joyful service throughout the year.

+  If you’d like to serve through your church, talk to your pastor. He’ll help you find a way to serve others in your congregation, in your local community or beyond.


  Available Resources
  Service Opportunities by Ministry




  • Disaster Response
  • Lutheran Early Response Training (LERT) —

    Volunteer opportunity: Learn how to be better prepared to show Christ’s love to the community when a disaster strikes. Who may volunteer: LCMS members.


  • Health Ministry
  • Mercy Medical Teams —

    Volunteer opportunity: This short-term program provides opportunities to volunteer abroad in a variety of clinical and health-related settings. Who may volunteer: Medical professionals, pastors, lay people.

    Parish Nursing —

    Volunteer opportunity: This program prepares nurses for a unique blending of professional nursing and spiritual caregiving. Who may volunteer: Registered nurses.


  • Recognized Service Organizations
  • RSOs —

    Volunteer opportunity: The Synod’s Recognized Service Organizations offer a wide variety of opportunities. Who may volunteer: Youth and adults. Contact a specific RSO to learn about needs.


  • School Ministry
  • Lutheran Schools Consulting Services (LSCS) — (consultations tab)

    Volunteer opportunity: In this program of LCMS School Ministry, consultants help strengthen and revitalize Lutheran elementary schools that are struggling so the mission of sharing Christ can be more effectively accomplished. Who may volunteer: Experienced Lutheran school leaders.

    School Leadership Development Project (SLED) — (leadership tab)

    Volunteer opportunity: Each year, Lutheran school administrators who have completed SLED volunteer to mentor current participants. SLED seeks to equip potential Lutheran elementary school leaders through intense training over the course of an academic year. Who may volunteer: Lutheran school administrators who have completed SLED.

    Lutheran Schools —

    Volunteer opportunity: Lutheran schools around the country are often in need of volunteers. Contact a school to learn about specific needs. Who may volunteer: Youth and adults.


  • Specialized Pastoral Ministry
  • Chaplains —

    Volunteer opportunity: Opportunities sometimes arise to provide chaplaincy at local hospitals, prisons or other settings. Who may volunteer: Pastors or deaconesses.


  • Urban and Inner-City Mission
  • Urban and Inner-City Mission —

    Volunteer opportunity: Urban ministries around the country may have volunteer opportunities in your area. Contact a local ministry directly to learn about specific needs. Who may volunteer: Youth and adults.


  • Witness and Outreach Ministry
  • The 72®

    Volunteer opportunity: Team members of The 72® are trained evangelism volunteers available to congregations to help them begin, revitalize or expand their outreach ministry. This is accomplished by equipping their members to connect people to Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and then to connect them to the congregation, where they will be assimilated into ministry, loved and cared for, and nurtured in their Christian faith with Word and Sacrament ministry. Who may volunteer: Anyone who completes volunteer training and has the availability to serve for three to four weeks at a time.


  • Youth Ministry
  • LCMS Servant Events —

    Volunteer opportunity: LCMS Youth Ministry organizes Servant Event opportunities for youth and adults in every region of the country. The servant events run the gamut from construction to human-care projects. Who may volunteer: Youth and adults, may vary by event.

    LCMS National Youth Gathering —

    Volunteer opportunity: There are many opportunities for college students and adults to volunteer at the 2016 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. Who may volunteer: Adults and young adults.

    Lutheran Youth Corps —

    Volunteer opportunity: Lutheran Youth Corps launched its pilot program in summer 2014 and its full program in 2015. It offers high school or college graduates, working in teams with church workers, the chance to spend a year engaged in domestic service, all from a uniquely Lutheran perspective. Who may volunteer: High school and college graduates.

    LCMS Young Adult Ministry — |

    Volunteer opportunity: LCMS Young Adult Ministry organizes several Servant Events throughout the year. Who may volunteer: Young adults (ages 18-30).


  • Campus Ministry
  • LCMS U — |

    Volunteer opportunity: Volunteer with your local campus ministry, or start a new LCMS U Chapter at a college or university near you. Visit to find a local chapter. Contact the ministry directly to learn about specific needs. Who may volunteer: Youth and adults.


  • Gospel Seeds
  • Gospel Seeds —

    Volunteer opportunity: Individuals are needed to mentor other congregations going through the “Planting Gospel Seeds While Serving Human Needs” program. Who may volunteer: LCMS members who have completed the “Planting Gospel Seeds While Serving Human Needs” program.


  • International Mission
  • Short-term Missionaries —

    Volunteer opportunity: Volunteers are needed to serve alongside LCMS missionaries and partner churches for one week to six months. Short-term missionaries have served as pastors, nurses, doctors, teachers, business managers, camp counselors and in many other crucial positions. Who may volunteer: Adults (18 and over).

    Short-term Teams —

    Volunteer opportunity: Teams of three to 20-plus people are needed to serve for one to two weeks in various locations around the world. Teams might hold Bible camps, organize outreach events or complete construction projects. Who may volunteer: Youth and adults.


  • Volunteer Connection
  • Volunteer Connection —

    Volunteer opportunity: Volunteer Connection engages, equips and empowers individuals to serve The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and its national and international ministries, as together we make known the love of Christ.


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Ready to expland your congrgation's pro-life ministry? Apply now for the Million Dollar Life Match.

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The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Inc., including Mission Central (in Mapleton, Iowa), is an IRS registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.

A contribution designated (restricted) for a specific purpose, when accepted, will be used only to fund expenses related to that purpose. Occasionally, we may receive more in contributions for a particular purpose than can be wisely applied to it in the foreseeable future or the purpose may cease to be feasible. In these situations, the LCMS will make reasonable attempts to contact contributors to apply their contribution toward another aspect of ministry that aligns closely the contributor’s goals and values. If a contributor cannot be contacted, the LCMS will use the gift to meet a similar pressing need that most closely matches the contributor's original intent.

Consistent with Synod Board policy and in recognition of a more challenging economic and philanthropic/fundraising environment due to inflationary pressure, not more than 13.5 percent of any charitable contribution will be allocated to administering gifts and communicating with contributors. Contributions received and accepted by the LCMS are deemed to be in agreement with this statement.

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